Respiratory Care Technology

部门: 医疗科学 and Early Childhood and Family Studies
研究所: 健康 & 生物科学
大学: 程控

What is the Respiratory Care Technology program?

呼吸护理技术课程是一个循序渐进的学习体验课程, 实验室, 以及与最先进的呼吸系统护理实践相关的临床经验. 该课程的毕业生将获得应用科学副学士学位,并准备参加董事会考试,以获得注册呼吸治疗师(RRT)证书.


Request Program Information

  • Applications are accepted from March 1 - June 1
  • Cohorts begin every Fall
  • Notification of acceptance sent by July 7th

*Dates are subject to change with extensions to deadlines.

What's special about the program?

该计划很幸运地提供了最先进的实验室设备和基于模拟的学习. Clinical experiences range in variety of skill levels, 年龄组, geographical locations, and multiple hospital systems.


Virtual 会话信息:

  • TBD


您将从事教学和临床实践经验,旨在依次发展和应用批判性思维技能, 概念, and theories in the performance of respiratory care procedures. 呼吸护理包括对诊断为心肺疾病的患者进行评估和治疗管理. 从业人员执行涉及氧气和医用气体管理的程序, humidity/aerosol therapy, varied breathing treatments, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, diagnostic lung function testing, and patient/family education.

What can I do with this course of study?

  • Obtain Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT), Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT), and more advanced credentials
  • Work in a variety of areas such as Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, 家庭护理, Diagnostic Labs/Doctors Offices, 教育, 还有更多.
  • Work with a variety of 年龄组.
  • 这是职业发展的良好开端,也是进入其他相关职业的桥梁.
Respiratory Therapy is not just a profession; it’s a commitment to helping individuals breathe easier, 生活的更好, and embrace life with every breath.
Accreditation, Certification, Licensure and Information


呼吸护理技术项目(项目# 200423)由呼吸护理认证委员会(CoARC)认证。. Contact information for CoARC is 264 Precision Blvd. Telford, TN 37690 or by phone at (817) 283-2835.  Information is also available online at  

CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education 项目 in the United States. To achieve this end, it utilizes an ‘outcomes based’ process. 计划成果是反映计划教育目标实现程度的绩效指标,并通过该指标记录计划的有效性.

Certification and Licensure:

Upon completion of the program, 毕业生将有资格参加由国家呼吸护理委员会提供的委员会考试. 在通过德克萨斯州医学委员会申请州执照之前,至少需要注册治疗师(CRT)证书. 在德克萨斯州,作为一名呼吸治疗师,需要获得州执照.

注意: Certification and licensure are separate mechanisms.

In addition to the national CRT & RRT证书,德州医学委员会有州一级的证书. 执业医师必须申请国家呼吸道护理执业医师(RCP)证书。. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(512)305-7010与德克萨斯州医学委员会联系. 


Public Information on Programmatic Outcomes Data 

THECB Statutory Requirement

入学 & 程控要求


申请呼吸护理技术专业的学生必须满足所有入学要求. 菲利普的大学 and the 健康 Sciences Division. These requirements include the following:

Complete 申请德州 application
St. 菲利普的大学 admission requirements
医疗科学 & Early Childhood Department admission requirements


Prerequisite Requirements:

All students must complete the following academic prerequisite courses with a GPA of 2.8或以上:

RSPT 1101 Introduction to Respiratory Care
ENGL 1301 Composition I
MATH 1314 大学 Algebra
BIOL 2404 Human Anatomy & 生理学

那些希望在以大学为基础的呼吸护理项目(B)继续接受教育的学生.S.)应报名参加BIOL 2401和BIOL 2402,以代替BIOL 2404的要求. 菲利普的大学.

For 茶 test information please 点击这里

Respiratory Program Application & 选择过程

Respiratory Program Application Process

呼吸护理技术课程的申请时间为3月1日至6月1日. Cohorts begin each Fall. Dates are subject to change with extensions to deadlines.

Those students submitting a complete application on or before June 1st may be given priority for acceptance. 在截止日期或之前提交申请但需要额外学期(春季/夏季)来完成先决条件课程的学生,如果在完成先决条件课程之前满足入学容量,则不能保证录取。. Notification of status given by July 7th.


Application to college Check List:

  • 适用于St.菲利普的大学 with official transcripts for transfer credit
  • 确定圣. Phillip's 大学 as the home school and Respiratory Care Technology as the Major

Respiratory Packet Content:

应用程序清单 茶的信息


Preferred 提交方法:

The preferred submission method would be to email ONE combined file document to

Preferred Mail to Method:

St. Philip’s 大学 健康 Sciences Department
Application for Respiratory Care Technology Program – Attn: Christa Mitchell
1801 Martin Luther King Dr.
圣安东尼奥, TX 78203-2098



评分工具 Frequently Asked Questions

任何人不得, 以种族为基础, color, 性, 怀孕, 宗教, 信条, national origin (including ancestry), 国籍, physical or mental disability, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 性别, 变性人身份, 性别认同, 性别表达, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, 越战时期的老兵, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, any other protected category under applicable local, 州或联邦法律, 或反对歧视或参与校园或政府机构投诉程序的人士, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, 或在就业或任何由学院区赞助或开展的计划或活动中受到歧视. H.1.1



Christa Mitchell, MBA, BSRC, RRT-AE-C
MLK Center for 健康 Professions (CHP), 330E

RTW-Partner-Badge-Training-Provider-color.png RTW-Partner-Badge-Official-Partner-color.png

One or more of these 项目 are approved 准备工作 项目. 弄清楚你是否有资格获得免费的学费和就业安置服务,这将使你获得一个有需求的职业. 

Don’t wait; apply today!更多的信息